Sunday, August 29, 2010

Why is this class on my schedule?!

Hello to all!

My name is Monica Rodriguez, I am from Houston, Texas and I am a freshman here at UT. I am currently undeclared, but my plan is to transfer into the school of communications. While I was contemplating my major, I stumbled upon this course as an interest and as a requirement. While I found out more and more about all the classes that RTF had to offer, I felt like I would get so much out of them because they could improve my hobby of film, and turn it into a passion. I hope to further my desire to achieve my dream job: Director/Screenwriter by exploring the options in the courses I take. With that, I feel like RTF 305 can be the door to the many possibilities within choosing this major and being successful at it.

My favorite blog:

This is one of my really good friends. I love how he tells you what he feels through his photography, and it is always themed to something he is thinking of throughout that day :)

Favorite commercial at the moment:

This is by far the best public service announcement you will ever see :)

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